Highampton Local History Group

We are most fortunate to already possess some old documents and many old photographs of Highampton and plan over time to collate details regarding the properties and their occupants.  In the meantime we are pleased to display some of these as detailed below.  All items held in the archive are held for future posterity; at present we have no items for sale.

Any donations of documents and photographs of Highampton and its surroundings together with any known historical facts to add to our collection would be most welcome. We would be grateful for any possible additions to our records and would be pleased to arrange for copies of any items to be taken for retention with the originals returned to the donor.  Additionally we would be delighted to call upon any local resident to discuss and make a recording of any information or memories of past local events that they would be happy for us to keep as part of our permanent record. If you can help please contact us.

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Copyright © site designed by the late Simon Ward and managed by his wife Carole